27 January 2008

Netlog and Fiendster SPAMMERS!

Have you been spammed lately?? I mean, someone's sent you a personal message or comment asking you to go to their site by clicking the link included in their message. Who want's to click that link?? I mean, yeah, might be someone out there who jut love porn sites. I mean, they just click it, wait for the p age, and after that, you computer go, BOOM!! not really BOOM like exploded, i mean SPYWARES!. Heh! too bad.

Anyway, did i say someone to the spammer? i mean something. That means, the profiles owner is not a Human! This is not a joke, and i'm talking technical. Ok, long story, short. They are called BOTS. NetlogBOT, FriendsterBOT, MySpaceBOT, BOT! BOT! BOT! an ugly, irritating BOT!

How are they created?
Of course, creating or registering a new profile is done with a human interaction. :p

The BOT is released, sending cookies to the server acting they are logged in.
The BOT goes to some page where it can look for online members or new members.

The BOT is not choosy!
So, it goes through all those members, open their profile, and the BOT starts dumping crap!
And the bot will do the same thing to the others, and others, and others. And make the master satisfied and happy. :p

Ok. End of story, hope you guys learned something with this bit of information. I don't want to go deep, creating video or a flow, other might get confused, just want to give you a basic idea on how's and why's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. I got some messages from Netlog from some persons I do not know.
They Invite me to join...